Kids JAM




Welcome to Northwood Kids JAM (Jesus And Me)

Where Kids Discover and Celebrate Jesus!


Kids JAM Every Saturday Morning


When: Every Saturday morning from 11:00 am - 11:50 am

Where: Northwood Seventh-day Adventist Church - Youth Room

What: A new program every quarter where kids experience Jesus' love!

Mission: The purpose of our Kids JAM ministries is to reach children with the hope and love of Jesus Christ through a creative, interactive, and fun environment! Our desire is to connect them to their peers through meaningful relationships, and to teach children how to honor God with their lives.



Community Dinner Events


When: Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Where: Northwood Seventh-day Adventist Church - Outreach Hall

What: Don't forget to bring your kid's to our free monthly community dinners where we periodically have special activities for them to have fun with their friends and neighbors




Game Nights


When: Next Game Night to be announced soon

Where: Northwood Seventh-day Adventist Church - Outreach Hall

What: Our families, and friends from the community, gather together to enjoy their favorite board games, Bible puzzles while enjoying some snacks.